Sir Paul Pindar’s House, Bishopsgate Street, Built in 1599-1600
‘Sir Paul Pindar’s House, Bishopsgate Street’ holds and important place in history. It’s wooden facade, built in 1599-1600, is one of the great wooden structural remnants that survived London’s Great Fire of 1666; and as such, it is preserved in the Victoria and Albert Museum in London. Sir Paul Pindar was knighted in 1620 by King James I after his many accomplishments in trade, commerce and building. He even put forth £10,000 (a substantial amount at the time) towards rebuilding St. Paul’s Cathedral; along with loaning money to Charles I, who was never able to repay him. The ‘mansion’ was later broken up into several dwellings, not long after in 1660. One of which was given over to the London workhouse and was kept for many troubled people - including poor children, vagabonds, beggars and the like. It also held a tavern at the front of the ground floor, called Sir Paul Pindar’s Head. The property was demolished in 1890 to make room for the expanding Liverpool Street Station. To learn more visit the V&A where you can see this impressive structure in real life! This print was drawn by Thomas Hosmer Shepherd and engraved on steel by M. Barrenger, for Shepherd's "Metropolitan Improvements; or London in the Nineteenth Century." It was published by Jones & Co. of Temple of the Muses, Finsbury Square in London, on January 16th, 1830. This little print measures 5 ½ x 4 ⅛ inches. 🇬🇧🏠🛡🎩🇬🇧
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